As an seasoned journalist and marketing professional with more than 20 years of experience, I was gratified to learn about the new Blog With Integrity movement, started in July 2009 as a direct result of conversations among four bloggers, Susan Getgood, Liz Gumbinner, Kristen Chase and Julie Marsh to combat the recent spate of unethical behavior by some bloggers. The four got together to provide bloggers like myself with a tangible and collective way to express our commitment to a simple code of blogging conduct.
I would like to make a commitment to you, my readers, to always be transparent in my motives and objectives, to give clear disclosure, to cite sources, to give attribution and credit and to always clearly define articles from ads and advertorials. I have signed the Blog With Integrity pledge ( and urge other bloggers to follow suit. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please post your comments.